So you just bought your first electric car (EVs)? Congratulations! Electric vehicles (EVs) are easy to drive, environmentally friendly, and easy to maintain. So what is the next step?
The next step usually decides how to charge the new car and, more importantly, how to charge your electric car at home. You will need your electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) to work. The power supply for your electric car is known as EVSE. They work with both BEV (battery electric vehicles) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid Electric Vehicles).
EV chargers are technically built into the machine. EVSE transfers power from your home grid to a built-in charger for your car, then charges your car and keeps both car and home safe. The EV charger also connects to the EV, telling it when properly connected and safe to charge.
Many buyers charge their electric vehicles using a Level 1 or Level 2 charger, depending on the model and model of their vehicle. Because they work with standard in-house stores, Leviticus 1 does not require special installation. Because most EVs come with a Level 1 charger, this is a very cheap option.
Level 1 charging, on the other hand, is a slow and inconvenient way to charge your car, which takes a full day to fully charge your car. Most people would prefer to have a faster charging option. Because most EV charging happens at home, having a high quality, efficient EVSE is essential. As a result, the Level 2 charging is strongly recommended. Level 2 EVSEs can charge your car 240v, which means most electric vehicles can be charged in less than 4 hours compared to a full day or more with a level 1 charger.
Consider the layout of your home, garage, and car park before purchasing an EVSE. The next step is to choose the right design for your car model. The faster the charge, the higher the amperage charge, and the different EVs charge at different speeds. As electric cars and batteries get better, investing in the highest quality EV charging station available is a wise move, as your EV charger will be ready to increase the charging speed in the future. And don’t worry: the car will only use the maximum amount of power available on the Level 2 charger, so it will still charge as fast as any other car. And don’t worry: the car will only take as much power as the Level 2 charger can provide, so even if it charges less than other cars, it will still charge faster as it can provide based on the available size of available capacity. Using PHEV Level 1 may work for some, but if you choose Level 2, buying an EVSE with low amperage will suffice; however, depending on the EV, it can charge the car slightly.
Installed with strong cables or connected in 240v, EVSE Level 2 is available. Our licensed electricians will install your EVSE at your preferred location and assist you with all the details, including determining whether your existing power panel is capable of handling your new EV charger or not. When deciding whether to fully charge your Level 2 charger or purchase a plug-in model, consider the portable feature and decide if this is what you need. The NEMA 14-50 plug is usually used to connect the Level 2 EVSE plug-in to the grid.
If you do not have something like this near or near your house or where you park your car, installing an electrician is an important part of the process. Depending on where you park your car, you may want to have a few NEMA 14-50 installed by an electrician so you can charge anywhere you want. Depending on the nature of your home, having a few places to shop, such as your air conditioning and garage, may be the best option. This, combined with the mobile version of the Devil 2, can give you as much flexibility as possible. Levels 2 are very expensive and need to be installed, but they are extremely practical, efficient, and easy to use. Once installed, all you have to do is plug it in every night or whenever your car can be used to wake up a fully charged car.
You may want to consider a Level 3 charger if you need a faster charger than Level 2 charger.
“DC Fast Charging” is a term 3 level charger. Level 3 EVSE provides 480 volts in Electric Vehicle, twice as many as Level 2. DC Speed Charging is the fastest and most efficient way to charge your device. It can fully charge your car in about 30 minutes, depending on the model and design. Levels 3 currently do not work for consumers due to their high cost and the fact that the existing electrical panels in many homes cannot support the required standard. Level 3 is a good thing for customers if you have a business with parking space.